We open with a report on Peter Norman Day commerations at Human Rights Square Melbourne.
We speak to Shane Howard who with other locals blockaded Killlarney Beach down on the South West Coast of Victoria to stop the use of public spaces for commerical interests: in this case race horses being exercised - not a few but at some times over hundred on this small stretch of beach. They have formed the Belfast Coastal Reserve Action Group which is working to protect the Reserve between Warrnambool & Port Fairy from damage caused by Commercial Horse Training. Go to:
We revisit coverage of s11 protests, year 2000 for 3CR 40 Days for 40 Years.
This is the Week that Was.
And Marxist historian Humprey McQueen looks at why the Conscription No Vote in 1916 was so important in Labour History.
Annie McLoughlin and Tobia Severi