On justice for Ms Dhu and Community Activism with Bobuq and Roj

Sunday, 15 January 2017 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

On today’s episode of Queering the Air, Frankie and Iris are joined by Bobuq and Roj to discuss the justice for Ms Dhu campaign. Bobuq and Roj are organising a fundraiser for the campaign for justice for Yamaji woman Ms Dhu, who died in custody after being detained for unpaid fines. There are reflections on community activism, positionality and whiteness. We also have some critical thoughts on Midsumma.

Events / groups mentioned

Justice for Ms Dhu Sunday Fundraise <3

Sunday, January 22 at 3 PM

Grace Darling Hotel



Jan 19th 6:30-8:30

Black Dot Gallery

33 Saxon St Brunswick


Wominjeka festival at Footscray Community Arts

14th-21st January


Colouring the rainbow discussion at Darebin library Feb 7th, Northcote


Invasion day rally on 26th



Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance


Music -

Love Come Down -- Noah Slee cover of Evelyn Champagne King's original – found on Wondercore Island's #6 Mixtape The Dreamy One, released 2016

Many things - Ngaire, Blastoma, 2016


‘Ngarraanga’, by Indigenous performer/singer, used to be member of Black Arm Band, Emma Donovan, off 2009 Ngarraanga - EP. Now performs with the Putbacks.  

Ms Dhu -- Felix Riebl from Cat Empire and Marliya and Gondwana Indigenous Children's Choir. Can view the video online. All proceeds from the song go to Ms Dhu's family, 2017.
