Punitive state pandemic failures & precarity, towards harm reduction

Sunday, 23 August 2020 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Queering the Air 23-8-20 3CR Community Radio, 3-4PM Punitive state pandemic failures & precarity, towards harm reduction  Neon image against black background of 'COVID 19 TEST THIS WAY' sign.

We are in a serious global pandemic health crisis. States around the world, including the Andrews state government have tackled the virus cop-heavy and with blanket responses minimising their own health failures and leaving many behind. We can imagine another approach, grounded in resourcing communities, health and harm reduction.


We hear from four guests, who touch on some of the significant issues here in so called Victoria:

  • Tiara on the distress and dangers of quarantine and isolation, and punitive barriers to support
  • Hope on experiences of systemic failures as a frontline health worker and nursing student
  • Polly unpacking the assumptions of restrictions on people living solo, care and bosses forcing precarious workers to work in unsafe conditions
  • Starlady on the significant mental health impacts, problems with policing, and failures in the LGBTIQ services space

And more.


Covid-19 Prison Watch


Pandemic fundraisers / mutual aid: IRL food boxesFirst Nations mutual aid fundRISE Refugees, Survivors and Ex-Detainees emergency supportScarlet Alliance support fund for sex workers


For further listening, you can find the full interviews with the guests here