Australian Military Aid to the Philippines and the Tumandok Massacre

Saturday, 13 February 2021 - 10:00am to 10:30am
Stop the Killings Justice for Tumandok Massacre


On December 30, 2020, in a joint police and military operation, Tumandok indigenous leaders were tortured and shot in their homes. 16 others were arrested. Some were over 70 years old. These Tumandok people were branded terrorists because they were opposed to the construction of the Jalaur Mega Dam. 

On today’s show, we hear from May Kotsakis from the Philippines Australia Solidarity Association and Berlin Guerrero from Bayan Australia about the impacts of Australian Military Aid to the Philippines.

To support PASA, Bayan Australia and many others in their work and to oppose this appalling use of our aid budget, please contact Australian foreign Minister Marise Payne and demand that she condemn the Tumandok massacre. You can email her at

You can contact PASA on facebook

and Bayan Australia on facebook at 

Saturday 10:00am to 10:30am
Current news and information on nuclear, peace and energy issues.


Emma Crunch, Michaela Stubbs, Sam Gibbard & Johan Kettle.
