Multi Purpose Taxi Review

Wednesday, 14 October 2015 - 6:00pm to 6:30pm

The Victorian Government is reviewing the Multi Purpose Taxi program and considering how to improve transport for people with limited mobility.
Raising Our Voices discusses the review and shares some ideas on how the system could be improved.

To have your say visit the consultation page .

Consultation for the review runs from Tuesday 29 September 2015 to 5pm Friday 4 December 2015  

Anyone with an interest in the Multi Purpose Taxi Program or improving transport for mobility limited Victorians is encouraged to participate in this consultation. This includes MPTP program users, carers, disability advocacy groups, and the taxi and hire car industry.

Some of the Raising Our Voices team in a zoom meeting, all smiling with their thumbs up. From top to bottom: Amanda, Miranda, James, Gab, Chris, Heather, Warren, Jane and Shona
Wednesday 6:00pm to 6:30pm
Produced and presented by people with disabilities covering issues such as housing, discrimination, difficulties with public transport, self-advocacy and other related issues.


Action for More Independence and Dignity in Accommodation
