Killing Ground & The Knife Salesman

Thursday, 3 August 2017 - 11:00am to 11:30am

Killing Ground is a great new thrill and scare film from Tasmanian director Damien Power. Power is signed to an American Agent on the strength of it. Starts Aug 24th at Nova - go see a really tightly made Australian flick.

The Knife Salesman is one of only 12 shorts bound for the Venice International Film Festival starting in September and it is homegrown. Directors Micheal Leonard and Jamie Helmer share the excitement.

Thursday 11:00am to 11:30am
Your half hour of local film news, conversations with film makers and explorations into how they bring their ideas to life on screen. Showreel promises an exciting package of film information that will set your ears buzzing.


Annie McLoughlin
