Dick Nichols Listen here. re the left conference in Portugal; https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/portugals-left-bloc-we-are-competing-left-hegemony
Dr. Michael Leach Listen here. from Swinburne Uni; Head of Social Sciences dept; https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=13O6fdEAAAAJ&hl=en
Kevin Healy - regular satirist on current politics. Listen here.
Jayathika Bandara - a singer and an accomplished musician from Sri Lanka; Although he is a Singhala person he has been advocating for human rights in Sri lanka for many decades. He has been arrested and sent many years in jail for his commitment to human rights which includes human rights for Tamils. He was in Australia at the invitation of PEOPLES FOR HUMAN RIGHTS & EQUALITY (PHRE ). He performed in Melbourne to a large crowd of Sri Lankans. Listen here.
Annie McLoughlin and Tobia Severi