Social Security Changes here II Kristen O'Connell, from the Anti-Poverty Network, outlines the issues with new 'changes' to social security with the new Federal Government which come into force on July 4th.
Proabortion Rally here II Liz Walsh, from the Victorian Socialists, talks about why people will be rallying on the steps of Victorian State Library in solidarity with Amerian citzens with the overturning of the laws that make abortion legal in their country.
This is the week here II Kevin Healy runs through the week with a scissors.
Acts of Cruelty Launch here II We go to the Melbourne launch of Aileen Crowe's new book Acts of Cruelty, published by Palaver Books. The book is a forensic look at the experiences of asylum seekers who reach Australia by plane. We hear from Suresh Sundram, Professor of Psychiatry, Monash University and Pamela Curr, Refugee Advocate.
Annie McLoughlin and Tobia Severi