[30:08] Independent protester Neymar speaks to 3CR about the origins of the current national protest movement and where the movement may be heading. The interview was recorded before news of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri's intention to resign
[43:41] Darug writer and educator Jasmine Seymour thinks that we need to be learning Indigenous languages even more than we need to learn French and Chinese. Jasmine shares how Darug language shows a deep connection to the land and how her book Cooee Mittigar --Magabala Books, released on November 1--teaches people in the Greater Sydney Basin (Darug country) the original names of plants, animals and natural phenomena
[52:32] Concerned citizens and community groups are set for a second day of blockading the International Mining and Resources Conference
[59:55] Activist and campaigner Ella Buckland returns to 3CR to remind us how sexism is rife in Australia's social welfare policy, where single mothers are forced by government and Parents Next providers to meet stringent and absurd criteria, or else risk starvation and homelessness
[1:11:36] Jess reports from the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, where Victoria Police once again turn to violence and mounted units to brutalise peaceful protesters
[1:19:00] ACTU (Australian Council of Trade Unions) President Michele O'Neil comes on the show to outline how the Federal Government's so-called Ensuring Integrity bill would devastate unions' ability to fight for workers and keep workplaces safe. Michele describes the bill as an attack on all Australian workers and warns of the sweeping powers it would give the government to stop unions' vital work
Sonia, Marty, Nita, Jesse