[0:00:00] Acknowledgement of Country.
[0:11:00] Music Sans Frontieres (MSF) speaks with Luísa Sobral, a Portugese singer and songwriter. They chat about her influences and the inspiration behind her work.
[0:29:00] Urbanist and Senior Research Tutor at the Royal College of Art, Dr. Tarsha Finney, comes onto the show to speak about alternative housing in the community. Dr Finney gives insight into how housing can help address the ecological crisis.
Follow the link for more information https://www.rca.ac.uk/more/staff/dr-tarsha-finney/
[0:44:00] The Morrison Government is set to give an $11 million upgrade to the ageing Vales Point coal-fired power station. The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) has come out to critique the Morrison Government's decision to go ahead with funding this upgrade, calling it an insult to bushfire hit communities. We speak to Suzanne Harter from ACF about the Morrison Government's decision and her opinions on the proposed Climate Change Act Bill by MP Zali Steggall and metallurgical coal.
To support the Climate Act Now petition, click on the link https://climateactnow.com.au
[1:04:00] Andrew Bartlett, Former Queensland Senator from the Brisbane Assange Action Queensland group, joins us to discuss the movement to release Julian Assange, who was extradited to court in London this week. Andrew joined others at the British Consulate in Brisbane this past Monday the 24th to protest for Assange to be brought back to Australia. We chat about all the recent details of the case and how it's created an international movement to push governments to respect free press, protection of journalists and whistleblowers.
If the Alternative News caught your fancy:
Chills - Leah Flanagan
Save - Benny Walker
Love is Unfair - The Hondas
When I grow Up - Fever Ray
Sonia, Marty, Nita, Jesse