25th November 2020
[0:00:00] Hello & Welcomes
[0:10:00] Alternative News
- Report on how changing fire patterns are threatening species with extinction and what needs to be done - available here.
- 2017 infographic relating to youth crime from the Youth Affairs Council Victoria
[0:22:20] Coded bias - excerpt from conversation Yeah Nah Parasan with hosts Cam and Andy speaking with Shalini Kantayya, the director of Coded Bias (currently screening at MIFF about facial recognition, machine learning & the dangers of letting the not-so-great past inform the algorithmic decisions of our shiny new future. Full conversation available here. You can tune into Yeah Nah Pasaran! Thursdays from 4:30pm on 3CR PASARAN
[0:39:30] Robodebt – the automated debt recovery program introduced mid-2016 that accused thousands of individuals of government debts that they didn’t owe. the programme has become the poster boy of government controversy and incompetence with the programme causing significant trauma and hardship. This year criticism of ROBOdebt has culminated in a class action, led by Gordon Legal. We talk to Senior Policy Advisor, Charmaine Crowe from the Australian Council of Social Services to tell us the outcome of the case and what needs to be done next.
To follow this story:
[1:00:00] Tram Thoughts - we discuss murals, their significance, and power for change and community building.
[1:15:20] Excerpt from 3CR broadcaster Judith Peppard’s "Revovling Door Stories", a collection of interviews exploring the connections between government and MNCs within Australia. Part 2 to be played next week.
Sonia, Marty, Nita, Jesse