We revisit a conversation between Robbie Thorpe from Bunjil's Fire and Munanjahli, Yugambeh and South Sea Islander woman Dr Chelsea Watego about Indigenous health, particularly the problems in our healthcare system leading to further oppression for Indigenous people as well as the Inala Manifesto which she issued. (This conversation was originally broadcasted on April 18th 2023)
You can tune into Bunjil's Fire every Wednesday from 11:00am to 2:00pm.
Claudia speaks to Matt Grudnoff, Senior Economist at the Australia Institute about the report “Inequality on Steroids: Distribution of economic growth in Australia”.To read the report: https://australiainstitute.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Inequality-on-Steroids-Who-Benefits-From-Economic-Growth-in-Australia-WEB511-copy.pdf
Grace speaks to Fiona Scalon, coordinator of United Workers Union National Ambulance, about Ambulance Employees Australia's (AEAV) advocacy and update on Victoria's current situation for paramedics.
To contact Ambulance Victoria for counselling services, call 1800 Maners (1800 626 377)
For well-being & support services, call Lifeline at 13 11 14
Grace speaks to fellow 3CR presenter Judith Peppard, on updates of the Harm Reduction Conference 2023.
In part three of our Autism Awareness Month Special Series, Claudia speaks to autistic parent and provisional psychologist Jess Farago. Jess has worked with autistic children in multiple settings and capacities - as a disability support worker, school integration aid and now, provisional psychologist. She shares her experiences with autistic children and their families, and her own story as an autistic parent.
To learn more about autism head to the Amaze website.
For support call the Autism Connect National Helpline 1300 308 699.
Some resources suggested by Jess Farago:
Kristy Forbes
Christina Keeble
The Neurodivergent Woman - Podcast
The Autistic Teacher
Our Neurodivergent Life
Mystic Light by Cat Clyde
Sonia, Marty, Nita, Jesse