7.10AM We hear from refugee activists Margaret Sinclair & Ian Rintoul of the Refugee Action Coalition, on their witness of the harsh survival life for refugees in Indonesia, the need to end the ban on resettlement in Australia and the Albanese government's promise for the refugees. To learn more about what went on in the forum, head to https://refugeeaction.org.au/ You can watch the full video at http://Full Video HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtBoOxTx60c&t=2013s
7.30AM We hear from advocates for Teachers4 Refugees including Carly Hawkins, an ex-teacher on Nauru and PhD student researching the impacts of detention on education for refugees. The Teachers4Refugees hosted a rally outside the Federal Minister for Education, Jason Clare's office in Sydney last Thursday 2nd February 2023. To find out more about the rally go to fb @Teachers for refugees NSW
We will be posting the ways you can support Teachers4Refugees shortly so watch this space!
7.50AM We speak with Melbourne-based writer Jessica Au, winner of the 2023 Victorian Premier's Literature Prize for Fiction and the overall Victorian Literature Prize for the exquisitely crafted novella Cold Enough for Snow.
8.10AM Content warning for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander listeners: This segment contains the name of a person who has died.
We speak with Nerita Waight, CEO of the Aboriginal Legal Service, about the latest developments regarding bail reform in Victoria.
For further information and to get involved in the VALS bail reform campaign, go to http://www.vals.org.au/fix-victorias-bail-laws/
Give Me One Reason - Tracy Chapman
Make Room - Bridie King
Times Like These - Glenn Barber
Sonia, Marty, Nita, Jesse