
21 Mar 2016
Amy Middleton; Kaitlyn Plyley
Rack Off! A feminist music festival
14 Mar 2016
Emma Hart, Joanna Nilson
29 Feb 2016
Presenter: Nicole Curby Guest: Joan Nestle
22 Feb 2016
25 Years of Women's Circus
Presenter Aoife Cooke with guests Devon Taylor; Olivia; Bianca: Emily: Anj
Photo of four women posing
15 Feb 2016
ID in Me is a workshop series that aims to bring together young women from diverse backgrounds to explore themes relating to identity, gender and culture. We speak with organisers Akimera and Mazna about the importance of such projects and decolonising community and cultural development in Australia.
Akimera and Mazna
Share of global wealth 2015. Image courtesy of Oxfam
8 Feb 2016
An economy for the 1%
Helen Szoke, Lin Hatfield Dodds
1 Feb 2016
We speak to two women from WISE -- a Melbourne University-based action group that promotes and supports women who study and work in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Amy Middleton, Jess Vovers, Sophia Frentz
Invasion Day
25 Jan 2016
Meg Rotarian and Meriki Onus from Warriors of the Aboriginal in conversation about why resistance on invasion day is important
Presenter: Nicole Curby Guests: Meriki Onus, Meg Rotahan
FCAC West Writers: Our Stories Forum
18 Jan 2016
New media has been central in modern activism, especially for people of colour who continue to be misrepresented and 'let down' by mainstream media. We listen to a panel discussion about the prominence of new media in asserting the voices of people of colour from Footscray Community Arts Centre's, 2015 West Writers: Our Stories Forum.
Sasha Sarago, Linda Kennedy, Hannah Donnelly and Samira Farah
11 Jan 2016
What makes someone fit to parent? Women with disabilities face many barriers to parenting in Australia, including forced sterilisation, access to adoption, and loss of custody
Samantha Connor, Jax Jacki Brown, and Natalie Rose Corrigan
Indigenous protestors lead the London climate march, November 2015.
4 Jan 2016
Two perspectives from the recent Paris climate talks
Emma Hart, Sina Brown-Davis, Ursula Rakova
28 Dec 2015
Writers Rochelle Siemienowicz and Simona Castricum read excerpts from their articles in the new edition of Archer Magazine, detailing experiences with religious upbringings, polyamory, gender transition and desire.
Amy Middleton, Simona Castricum, Rochelle Siemienowicz
12 Months of Melanin. Photo by Setti Kidane
21 Dec 2015
The 12 Months of Melanin is a photography project by Setti Kidane that aims to celebrate black women every month of 2016! She focuses on black women who are based in Toronto and shares her experiences as a black woman photographer.
Setti Kidane
14 Dec 2015
Three queer Aboriginal women share personal stories of negotiating identity, discovering community, and caring for friends amidst the AIDS crisis and after. We talk about intersectionality, and the daily resistance to homophobia and racism.
Presenter: Nicole Curby Guests: Laniyuk Garcon, Sandy O'Sullivan, Samia Goudie