The Chapel Street Realisation Project

Monday, 23 November 2020 - 10:00am to 10:30am
"We're working on a plan to revitalise Chapel Street and to make it safer for cyclists and pedestrians. If anyone wants to see a draft for comment, please let me know and I'll send you a copy"

This week back in the 3CR studio, Chris chats to Matthew Townsend about Safer Cycling for Stonnington about working towards safer and healthier transport, shared spaces for pedestrians and cyclists, and a renaissance of outdoor dining on Stonnington's streets and what needs to happen to make Chapel Street and Stonnington more attractive and safer for active transport.

Local news includes Ben Carrols announcement on twitter about a pop-up bike route along Heidelberg Road from Fairfield to Collingwood, heads up via Brompton Junction about Yarra City Council works at Canning Street and Richardson Street in Carlton North, VicRoads: Hawthorn Bridge temporary scaffolding works - notification of minor detour to pedestrians and bicycle riders from Yarra Boulevard to Main Yarra Trail,Yarra Valley Water Works: Fairfield Pipe Bridge closure from 9am-3pm from 23-27 November for safety improvement works and College Street Cycleway returns in Sydney.

Four delivery riders have died in three months on Sydneys roads (now FIVE deaths as of Monday afternoon) which shows how 'gig economy' companies have failed to provide adequate training, wages and a safe working environment.

Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio on 3CR
Monday 10:00am to 10:30am
Yarra Bicycle Users Group promotes urban cycling. Providing support to campaigns to improve cycling conditions and awareness; demystifies cycling technology and helps to reveal the diversity of cyclists, from children to commuters to lobbyists.


Chris, Faith, Val and Steve
