Talking to Tim Smith from FoldSmith

Monday, 24 February 2025 - 10:00am to 10:30am
Tim Smith from FoldSmith. Image: Supplied

On this weeks program Chris talks to Tim Smith, local industrial designer about his journey to developing FoldSmith folding bike hire and sales. Tim discusses the joy of growing up with bikes, becoming a cycle courier, running a bike cab business, his business ideals, raising the profile of folding bikes, FoldSmith folding bike rental options and future collaboration plans with Loop Cycles in Brunswick.

News includes Don’t risk our safety in 2025 - tell Yarra Council not to remove safe cycling lanes petition update with public pressure gets results with a decision possibly deferred to April, Critical Mass Footscray with Snuff Puppets and all your new friends, 5.30pm, State Library, Friday 28 February, Merri-bek BUG having a stall at the Sydney Road Street Party on Sunday 2 March and Kingsville women lucky to be alive after being struck by a truck driver on Somerville Road (narrowed bike lanes, anyone?)

National news includes Active Transport boost for Victoria announcement with $100m allocated to four year period for the entirety of Australia, when Better Streets Australia are calling for $400m per year in the lead up to the 2025 Federal election and Gregory Andrews/Lyrebird Dreaming article: E-bikes and Cargo Bikes: The Transport Revolution Australia Needs

Program music

King Stingray, Camp dog

Tricky, Your name (instrumental)

Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio on 3CR
Monday 10:00am to 10:30am
Yarra Bicycle Users Group promotes urban cycling. Providing support to campaigns to improve cycling conditions and awareness; demystifies cycling technology and helps to reveal the diversity of cyclists, from children to commuters to lobbyists.


Chris, Faith, Val and Steve
