24th August 2020
Produced by Andy Britt and Vivien Langford
Edie Shepherd - Original Power
Greg Mullins - Emergency leaders for Climate Action
Elizabeth Maddox - Author "Category 5"
Shoi Sengupta, Laura and Will from Students 4 Climate action
Dave Kerin - Co Founder of Earth Worker
Thanks also to Tim Davis Franks of TIPPING POINT and Annie Mc Laughlin and Michaela of 3CR for help
The next school strike for climate will prove that Lockdown is a perfect time to turn the tide on climate catastrophe.
Keep the date Friday September 25th https://www.schoolstrike4climate.com/buildourfuture
Some students are preparing for final year exams, some unionists are out of work but the momentum to face the reality of the climate crisis is still building. September 25th is two weeks b efore our federal budget so this is a chance to push for COVID REcovery which turbo charges the jobs already being powered by clean energy,not new coal or gas.
GREG MULLINS speaking to an audience of unionists and students,tells us of the fire seasons ahead. A couple of extra fire fighting planes wont do it. He wants proper financing of Forestry managers skilled in cultural burning and paid year round to manage the forests. He says the fire risk of 850 gaswells in the Pilliga Forest at Narrabri is disgusting.
EDIE SHEPHERD talks about the National Covid Commission stacked with fossil fuel bosses and their gas agenda. The NT government wants a gas pipeline from the BEETALOO Basin to the coast despite consistent opposition from Indigenous people."We've been saying no to projects that hurt country"from the Gommeroi in NSW to the Boroloola mob in the Gulf of Carpentaria. She says "harm to our country is harm to us" and unions have a proud history of supporting indigenous struggles. For her the Right wing wont let a good crisis go to waste and we have to meet the threat of a gas led recovery at scale.
SHOI SENGUPTA took time from her year 12 studies to tell us all about September 25th. Its a day of action in Victoria and Qld and a strike in other states.https://www.schoolstrike4climate.com/mp
ELIZABETH MADDOX explains how she witnessed the build up of momentum in the school where she teaches. First a few brave students spoke out at assembly, then they invited speakers and held letter writing sessions, then some of them led the big school strikes and now climate action is mainstream in that school community and growing. She reads also from her novel "Category 5" which is about a French class excursion to the Pacific islands just as a terrible storm sweeps the Pacific.
DAVE KERIN is a builder of the future. It is not all about saying NO. He talks about Co Ops and the way collective ownership prevents the worst of capitalism.As the climate crisis accelerates, He says of unionist"We never leave our wounded behind"
He is part of the Powering Melbourne Cooperative Steering Committee - The current Covid-19 crisis provides the opportunity for the Committee to propose a cooperatively owned utilities concept to the Victorian government.
As the students say
"While our Government and Members of Parliament rush to protect some of our communities from COVID 19, they continue to leave many people behind, and to protect mining companies and coal, oil and gas projects that threaten our collective future rather than building a better future for us all. "
Dave Kerin through his Earth worker heatpumps and solar hot water,made in MORWELL plus REDGUM cleaning co -op and the co -op housing they are planning is showing the way forward.https://www.foe.org.au/earthworker_april_update
The next steps the students are recommending are:
The students are standing up again and taking action on September 25th, here in Australia and around the world. A reminder that their demands are are:
No public funds for gas and other damaging fossil fuel projects. Instead, recovery funds should be spent on:
The students are inviting all unions to stand beside them once again!
Climate Action Collective