Can you help scientists spot whales and dolphins in Port Phillip Bay?

Sunday, 19 January 2025 - 11:30am to 12:00pm
Dolphins in Port Phillip Bay

Melbourne has a surprising number of marine mammals, right in our watery backyard. Seals and dolphins live in the bay, and even whales sometimes visit. But to help protect these animals, scientists need to know more about them. On March 1 the Marine Mammal Foundation is hosting its first Marine Mammal Bioblitz, and is asking people to come and help search for marine mammals. Jemima Beddoe, Research Associate at the foundation, joins us to explain how the bioblitz works. 

Find out how to get involved in the bioblitz at:

Image: Dolphins in Port Phillip Bay. DocklandsTony/Flickr

Sunday 11:30am to 12:00pm
Information about marine and coastal environments. News and interviews with marine scientists, campaigners and conservation workers. Presented by volunteer broadcasters who are passionate about marine environments, both local and across the world.


Andrew & James.
