#047: Superbonus! The Ferrari of All Tax Credits

Friday, 28 February 2025 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Let's say you are a country with high mass unemployment. And let's say you are a country whose housing stock is badly in need of a thermal upgrade. What would you do?

In 2020 Italy introduced a scheme called the Superbonus, to deal with just these issues. Was it a success? And where did they get the 160 billion euros?


Show Notes

Modern Money Lab (courses, events)

Superbonus - Strengthening of the Ecobonus and Sismabonus for energy efficiency and building safety

Fun With Emojis (youtube) by James Rosier

Theme Music

Pleading Ignorance, by Ed Kuepper, from the album Starstruck

Additional Audio

Too Many Things, by Ed Kuepper, from the album Starstruck

Main Title (From "Superman") (Instrumental) by John Williams